"A Brain Training Program"
The G.R.A.B. methodology in treating:
PTSD, Anger Management, Behavior Modification.
The goal of the GRAB process is to control the Amygdala evolutionary design control over the hormones that are produced as a result of the primal fear response. It could be said that this tip of the brain stem over rides the higher functions of the frontal lobes electrical influences by producing direct hormones that quiet down the other areas of the brain so that the panic reflex trigger can supply hormones directly to the centers of physical and emotional control of the mind and body. When the system receives a panic stressor such as, Drowning, falling or suffocation the Amygdala kicks in. In the past these natural process’s have been obstacles for various training such as becoming a Navy Seal. Research was done and to effect more conscious control by the individuals. The brain researchers came up with a program similar to GRAB. This process allowed Seal Trainees to take more conscious control of their choices during panic stressors.
G Goals Focused reason Desired behavior
R Rehearsal Mental visualization Step by step
A Affirmations Self talk Positive over rides
B Breathing Arousal Control Long exhale intervention
Vergal C. Dawson , MA Counseling Psychology, (click for email)
Licensed Marriage Family Therapist State of New Mexico #0695 (since 1994) Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Goddard College Plainfield, Vermont 1977
PTSD CHECK OFF AND TBI INDICATORS: Problems with: SLEEP MEMORY CONCENTRATION IRRITABILITY HEADACHES DIZZINESS VOMITING FATIGUE NOISE AND LIGHT TOLERANCE BLURRED VISION TINNITUS DREAMS/NIGHTMARES AND CONTENT: DISTRESSING THOUGHTS AVOIDANCE OF ACTIVITIES, PLACES SENSE OF DETACHMENT FORM OTHERS INABILITY TO EXPERIENCE FULL RANGE OF EMOTIONS... LOVE HYPERVIGILANCE (alertness, attention, watchfulness) EXAGGERATED STARTLE RESPONSE ALCOHOL / DRUG ABUSE SUICIDAL THOUGHTS VERBALLY AND/OR PHYSICALLY VIOLENT THREATS OR BEHAVIOR EMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS DUE TO CONFLICTS MARITAL DISTRESS Press Release about New Mexico Veterans and PTSD Who: Any Veteran who can help or needs help with issues of Post Traumatic Stress What: A Veterans group session at no cost for discussions with experts and other Vets about living with PTSD effects. V. C. Dawson, Ma, Counseling Psychology Group Facilitator. Where: American Legion Post 118 1500 Barbara Loop Rio Rancho When: 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month 6:30 pm. Begins 7-1-09 Required: Copy of your DD-214 Tell a Vet there is help from other Vets! There is a link at: www.riorancho.com Some symptoms: Vets who are experiencing conditions like, Marital Distress, depression, Anxiety, Hypervigilance (alertness, attention, watchfulness), Suicidal thoughts, Exaggerated startle response, addiction, employment problems due to conflicts, Violence control, Avoidance of activities or places or other distressing thoughts are acts. Invisible wounds of war: "17% of soldiers returning from Iraq experience a mental health problem. Less than half of soldiers with mental health problems seek treatment." New England Journal of Medicine 7/04 " Nearly 20 percent of military service members who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan - 300,000 in all - report symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder or major depression, yet only slightly more than half have sought treatment, In addition, researchers found about 19 percent of returning service members report that they experienced a possible traumatic brain injury while deployed, with 7 percent reporting both a probable brain injury and current PTSD or major depression according to a new RAND Corporation study"
Veterans interested in the Vets ask Vets group (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ) Call Me! 898-9370 This group sponsored by the American Legion post 118 has completed. Check for next group.